Batman cold cold heart
Batman cold cold heart

batman cold cold heart

Starting off you’ll wear your traditional batsuit, but you do gain access to the new “XE” (extreme environment suit) that comes with some new toys: the Thermo charged batarangs and Thermo gloves. It’s here where most of the main story takes place and you’ll uncover the mystery behind Victor Fries. A second brand new environment, Gothcorp, has also been added.

batman cold cold heart

From the get go in CCH your placed for in Wayne manor, which you get to explore for the first time in the series, taking down thugs as Bruce Wayne searching for secret batcave entrances. You can also freeplay in the CCH DLC to accomplish the one new side quest, or hunt for Anarky tags or defrost GCPD officers with your new tools.Īnother complaint that can be logged against Harley Quinn’s revenge was that it not only restricted the Arkham City map, but it didn’t add any new places for you to explore. You’re quarantined off to a section of the map here, but you’ll never have to traverse over the bridge between the two sections of Gotham. One of my main grips with Harley Quinn’s revenge is that they limited the map to one section and more or less forced you through the story, giving you little time to explore with the new character (Robin) and his new tool set, as well as forcing you to replay the entire section if you wanted to look for collectibles or hunt for achievements. The same can’t be said for the inevitable showdown with Freeze, as the team at WB Games Montreal had a snowball’s chance in hell (come on, you know I had to squeeze one in SOMEWHERE) of topping the excellent fight in the GCPD lab in Arkham City, but what’s presented here reminded me of fighting him in Ubisoft’s Batman: Vengeance on the GameCube, and not in a good way.

Batman cold cold heart series#

Freeze and his quest to cure his wife’s terminal illness after his tragic origin were how the character was introduced in Batman: the Animated Series in the 90’s, but it still works here and fits well with the established Arkham universe.

batman cold cold heart

Unfortunately for Freeze, he unwittingly crashed the party of Batman, and thus the Caped Crusader suits up into action to get to the bottom of the mystery regarding his new icy nemesis, and why he’s passionately seeking someone who has publicly contributed to the well being of Gotham City.ĬCH doesn’t add anything substantial to the Arkham lore, in fact the main foe you’re tangling with already appeared in Arkham City’s main story, however the tale spun does a great job of humanizing Victor Fries as by the end you’re thinking of the character as less of a villain and more of a tragic victim of circumstance. Freeze who demands they hand over philanthropist Ferris Boyle or else. Taking place on New Years Eve following the events in Origins, the humanitarian of the year awards are crashed by Mr. While in the eyes of many Origins never reached the high standards of the games that came before it, WB Games Montreal has proven with this expansion that they’re more than capable of crafting some excellent add on content. Much like how 2011’s Batman: Arkham City capped off its DLC with the release of Harley Quinn’s Revenge, so to does Batman: Arkham Origins with this weeks release of Cold, Cold, Heart.

Batman cold cold heart